
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

DFI workflow - Day 2

Today we looked at how we can manage our workflow throughout the day.
I really like using google keeps - this has become a new lifesaver. 
I always have millions of notes and stickies as reminders but now that I can use Google Keep on my gmail, docs and phone - it is going to save me a lot of time. 
I enjoyed learning about how to reduce tabs with making tab groups. This will be really helpful for keeping different sites available for specific subjects without creating a busy and confusing tab bar. 

I always find listening to new pedagogy and perspectives on teaching really interesting as it widens my own perspective  on what I can do to be more well-rounded an effective teacher for all students.
My goal this term was to create more rewindable material on my class site for students. It's great to be apart of a course where I can learn and reflect on how I can create engaging differentiated resources that are rewindable and then put these into practice the following day.
One question that stood out to me today is
"Am I using technology effectively to improve the student's learning?"
Effective practice 
Turbocharge - Means to Amplify your teaching with digital technologies while still being an active and effective teacher to the students. 

Reflecting on my planning and class site - I feel like I am constantly changing the way I plan and execute a lesson as I learn more about digital resources and passions/ interests of my students. At school we have a lot of programmes to support students to reach their curriculum level. Now that I've learnt a couple of new tools such as google keep and voice typing tool - I feel like I am able to plan more inclusive ways to support these students and connect their teachings from other classes to our own. I have had a lot of good feedback from my students with using variety of digital resources. Lately, students who would rely on my teacher assistant or myself to help them with their work/ motivation are now becoming independent learners who want to write or research different topics.

In the afternoon session, we went back to working with GoogleMeets. It took me back to lockdown days when I was creating videos for students and parents about how to use googlemeets and share work etc.. semi-good memories 😂 I think I am going to utilise these google meets/ recordings to create rewindable lessons for students in reading and maths.  Here is the video I recorded from our meet below:

What resources do you find increase student engagement? 

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