Today's Toolkit was presented by Makaore Wilson. Makaore delivered a clear presentation on basic instructional languages we can use in the classroom and generate into our own everyday vocabulary. It was so good to have a clear list of vocabulary words and phrases with soundbites to repeat translations for my own practice and use and my students. I find learning Te Reo quite complicated at times due to different dialects, speed of pronunciation. The soundbites were a great attachment as rewindable resources.
Instruction language:
Tone of delivery is important in using instructional language within the class. It was good to have a clear teaching of these basic instruction phrases as a teacher who attends PDs I hear these words all the time but I did not grow up in New Zealand so I've never been taught what these phrase mean. I feel a lot more confident in hearing these phrases and using them in class. My goal this week and onwards to practice and use a new phrase a week; for example Haere mai ki te whariki noho ai.
I am looking forward to using more kiwaha and in particular "kei kona au - I agree" in my Talkmoves with the students.
Time Structures:
ke tei - present tense sentences
wåmua = past tense
I - defines that it is a definte past tense
Example: I te wera te kai - The food was hot
I tera wiki = last week
I tere mutunga wiki = last weekend
I tera tau = last year
Inatahira = day before yesterday
verb = tumahi
Pronoun - tukapi
noun = tuingoa
Kiwaha = Slang/ colloquialisms
Katahi ra! Amazing
He tino toki koe You're a champion
Tino kino te pai Wicked